Banded Pipefish Incubating Their Eggs (Yakushima)

オイランヨウジ Banded pipefish 屋久島 (1)

We observed this pair of Banded pipefish in Yakushima’s Isso bay. The pipefish have a white body with many reddish-brown horizontal stripes that cover it from the mouth to the tail fin. The gorgeous tail fin reminds me of the beautiful “Oiran” that Japanese high-ranking courtesans use.

オイランヨウジのペア(屋久島)A Pair of Ringed pipefish

オイランヨウジ Banded pipefish 屋久島 (6)

The male banded pipefish has a pouch that incubates the eggs. There can be up to 100 eggs which hatch after about 10 days. The fries are about 6mm when they emerge.

オイランヨウジ Banded pipefish 屋久島 (3)

Banded pipefish eat zooplankton. The entrance to this pair’s rock crevice was surrounded by little tiny fries and they were busy feeding on them.


Image & text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Jun 2021, Yakushima, Kagoshima