White Orca (Shiretoko, Hokkaido)

In May 2023, a ‘white killer whale’ appeared in the Nemuro Strait after two years of absence.

White orca / killer whale at Shiretoko, Hokkaiado 白いシャチ

The contrasting color of black and white is a characteristic of killer whales. But this orca’s entire body is white, so the eyepatch and saddle patch are not visible unless you look closely.

After the first observation of two of them separately in the Nemuro Strait in 2019, two white killer whales swimming together made headlines in 2021. And after two years, this year (2023), one white killer whale was seen off Rausu Port.

According to a Japanese news website, he is a “mature male”, “nearly seven metres long by eye measurement”, “at least nearly 50 years old” and “most likely the same individual as the first white killer whale identified in Japan”.

It is not known whether it is an albino (Albinism), which cannot produce melanin due to a genetic abnormality, or a white variant (Leucism) due to mutation. It looks like a white variant because it does not have the characteristic red eyes of an albino and its body colour is greyish.

Pod of 13 killer whales. The colour white is said to be a disadvantage in the race for survival, as it is easily noticeable in nature, but this individual has been able to grow well.

All boats are busy with the rare appearance of ‘white Orca’.


The tip of the dorsal fin is bent slightly to the left.

Abrasions under the dorsal fin on the left side of the body.

White orca swim peacefully against the backdrop of the snow-capped mountains of the Shiretoko Peninsula. We look forward to seeing them back in Shiretoko next year!。


Photo & Video : Shohei MORITA(Shiretoko Serai) Text : Wataru YAMOTO

Observation : May 2023, Rausu – Nemuro Strait, Hokkaido

Contact us  to make arrangements for photographing Orcas of Shiretoko – Nemuro Strait from April to July.

★Wildlife videos are also available on Youtube – we have the playlist as well.

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(Video) A Baby Sperm Whale Came to Play With Us! (Ogasawara)

小笠原 父島 マッコウクジラ マッコウクジラの子供 Bonin Island Sperm Whale (2)

In October, we encountered a baby sperm whale off the coast of Chichijima in Ogasawara. It seemed like the calf was a bit upset, but also a bit curious about the ship. Everyone on the ship was very excited to see it!

Ogasawara A Baby Sperm Whale Came to Play With Us!


Image & Text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Oct 2020, Chichijima, Ogasawara Islands
Special Thanks: FISH EYE

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A Sperm Whale Calf Approached The Ship! (Ogasawara Islands)

小笠原 父島 マッコウクジラ マッコウクジラの子供 Bonin Island Sperm Whale (2)

The water of Chichi-jima (Father Island) in the Ogasawara Islands, at depth of 1,500-2,000meters, are known as a place where female sperm whales with their calves observed throughout the year.

Having said that, it is best to visit this area when the seas are calmer, usually from July to October.

In October, on a day when the conditions were favorable, we headed to the whale watching area off Chichi-jima. We were lucky to encounter a group shortly after we started our search. Each of the groups was made up of 3 to 6 individuals.
Then, we found a lone calf by itself, patiently waiting for its mom, who had gone for a dive into the deep sea.

小笠原 父島 マッコウクジラ マッコウクジラの子供 Bonin Island Sperm Whale (5)

The baby looks as if it is flying, with such clear water. The calf’s body was a lighter color, but it had the typical wrinkles primarily seen on Sperm Whales, along with some scars of bitemarks from the cookie-cutter sharks.

小笠原 父島 マッコウクジラ マッコウクジラの子供 Bonin Island Sperm Whale (4)

This young sperm whale, swimming upside down towards our boat, was so close, that we could actually hear the “talking” clicking sounds on our ship!

小笠原 父島 マッコウクジラ マッコウクジラの子供 Bonin Island Sperm Whale (3)

We could so clearly see the lower jaw of the whale!!!

小笠原 父島 マッコウクジラ マッコウクジラの子供 Bonin Island Sperm Whale (8)

We parted for a little, but then it returned, approaching the boat again. This time with its mouth open.

小笠原 父島 マッコウクジラ マッコウクジラの子供 Bonin Island Sperm Whale (13)

This is the calf with its mouth wide open. We could clearly hear the clicking sounds again.

小笠原 父島 マッコウクジラ マッコウクジラの子供 Bonin Island Sperm Whale (12)

Amazingly, it flattened its fins and rotated while swimming into the edge of the ship, making the suckerfish scuttle around. Perhaps this was an offensive ?

小笠原 父島 マッコウクジラ マッコウクジラの子供 Bonin Island Sperm Whale (6)

A sperm whale swimming towards the direction of Chichi-jima.

小笠原 父島 マッコウクジラ マッコウクジラの子供 Bonin Island Sperm Whale (1)

This young sperm whale also came up alongside our ship, raised its face and seemed to look up over at the top of our boat.
The youngster seemed to enjoy spending time with us and then, eventually left and swam back to its mother and the family.

In Ogasawara, you can see these groups of females with their calves, but I wonder if we could ever see a male that comes to have mate someday? It would be such a dream to be able to see a male sperm whale in such clear water like this!

Photo & text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Oct 2020, Chichijima, Ogasawara Islands
Special Thanks: FISH EYE

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(Video) Humpback Whale Watching & Swim in Amami Oshima

This is the highlight reel of the late March Amami Oshima Swim with Whales Tour. The main attraction of Amami Oshima is that you can do both whale watching and swimming here.

Amami Oshima is the main island of the Amami Island chain located between Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyushu and the Okinawa Islands. Every year, humpback whales migrate here from January to March. Some of the whales will stay nearby, while others migrate further south to Okinawa’s main island and the Kerama Islands.
During the whale encounter, we were able to swim with three whales: a one-year old baby whale, it mother, and an escort whale.

奄美大島のザトウクジラ Humpback Whale in Amami Oshima


Video: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Mar 2021, Amami Oshima
Special Thanks: Dive Species AMAMI

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Mother and Calf Humpback Whales (Amami Oshima)

奄美大島ホエールスイム Humback Whale Swim in AMAMI OSHIMA (5)

This is a report of the Amami Oshima Whale Watching Tour from early March.

Every year from January to March, the Humpback Whales, which spend their summers of Kamchatka-Aleutian Islands, will spend their winter months in Amami Oshima for breeding. Most of them head south to the Kerama Islands of Okinawa, but whales some stay near the Amami Islands. There, you might be able to encounter mother whales as they are nursing young whales or the male escort whales that will chase after the females in a ‘heat run.’

On this tour, we had some inclement weather so we could only go out to see for 3 of the 5 days. Despite the short time observing, we could manage to see a ‘heat run’ from the boat, as well as see the mother and calf plus an escorting male whale in the water. The calf was about a year old and very active.

奄美大島ホエールスイム Humback Whale Swim in AMAMI OSHIMA (4)

In the morning hours, we couldn’t encounter any whales, but during the afternoon, we were told “There is a wonderful mother and calf out here now” and we rushed to the area. As soon as we could, we were in the water and the pair appeared right in front of us. It is really amazing to see them in person.

奄美大島ホエールスイム Humback Whale Swim in AMAMI OSHIMA (7)

The frolicking yearling calf. It was active, doing tail slaps and pectoral fin slaps at the surface of the water.

奄美大島ホエールスイム Humback Whale Swim in AMAMI OSHIMA (2)

This mother whale was very tolerant and with the escort whale watches the calf very closely. Even when the people were close to her calf. This mother must have experience raising her calves and has perhaps gotten used to humans, too.

奄美大島ホエールスイム Humback Whale Swim in AMAMI OSHIMA (3)

The calf also swam in circles around its mother, showing us its belly. One day, this calf will grow up and leave the Amami Oshima area, moving north as it sets out independently by that time.

奄美大島ホエールスイム Humback Whale Swim in AMAMI OSHIMA (8)

This one shot of the three whales together was a stunning highlight for the day!
Perhaps you are wondering what we did when we couldn’t get out to sea? We went for nature walks in the virgin forests of Kinsakubara, did some birdwatching, explored mangroves by canoe, and searched for the endemic Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi). We could enjoy a full tour of all the beautiful natural areas the Amami Islands has to offer!

Photo & Text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Mar 2021, Amami Oshima, Kyushu
Special Thanks: Dive Species AMAMI

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At the Ogasawara Islands, During Humpback Whale Season

One of the highlights of visiting Ogasawara (also known as Bonin Islands) in the winter months is seeing the humpback whales. During the summer, the whales have spent their days feeding on the fish near the Kamchatka Peninsula to as far as the Aleutian Islands. Then they return to Ogasawara Islands for breeding.

You can see the mother and calf whales, leisurely floating along in the water, while the males are swimming frantically in their “Heat Run,” and maybe even a baby whale breaching!

There are shallow, sandy areas on the north side of the South Island, where it is easy to see the whales because there are also some diving sites. You might even have a chance to encounter the whales while diving if you are lucky.


Humpback whale of Bonin Islands


Video & Text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Jan-Feb 2021, Chichijima, Ogasawara Archipelago, Bonin Islands

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